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"Will Salsa For Cash," Says Disheveled Victor Cruz Living Outside Giant Stadium

New York City, NY-Outside the Glamor of the New York Giant's stadium and their free Sodas, is the shell of a man who once did so much for the New York Giants. Victor Cruz, the international NFL Superstar, best known for his Salsa Dance, can now be seen outside the New York Giants stadium hoping to get whatever money he can from performing his trademark dance. "All I need is a little bit of money, and not only can I give you that trademark dancing with the stars salsa, but I can remind you of a time when the Giants weren't the laughing stock of the NFL", said Victor Cruz, knowing full well that a reminder like that is priceless for Giants Fans. Cruz had reportedly gone broke as a result of listening to former teammate and friends Odell Beckham Jr's stock advice. At press time, Cruz was made aware it was now acceptable to dance on Tik Tok and be a football player.

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